The Best Trees to Plant in Your Yard This Spring
What Does a Tree Symbolize?
By cleaning the air and providing better air quality, trees are literally becoming our lungs when outdoors, and they are a type of plants that have a deeper significance. This large plant can be viewed as a symbol of strength, life, growth, prosperity and wisdom. There are many types of them available, and all of them have their own meaning, but the thing that stays the same is that all of them are great in improving the air quality. Knowing this means that planting trees can only improve the lives of all living beings.
The Importance of Planting Trees
Planting trees in your yard can only improve the area and bring benefits to you and those around you. By planting them in your yard this spring, you can expect to receive a lot of benefits, but the greatest one is clean air. Thanks to their leaves, these large and tall plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen which leads to improved air and reduced soil erosion because the tree roots cling to the soil and keep it in place.
Additionally, trees reduce flooding and make the perfect home for birds and wildlife. Trees are also good for shading, and by planting them in your home you’ll have a shaded area that you can use to place a furniture seating set and enjoy the fresh air. Having them in your outdoor area will not only improve the kerb appeal of your home but it will also increase your property’s value which is something from which you can benefit if you plan to sell your home later on.
The Most Proper Ones to Plant in Spring
Spring is a synonym for new life and blooms, so it isn’t strange that this is the perfect time of the year to plant trees. As there’s a huge choice of trees, this gives you the chance to pick ones according to your needs. However, there’s a list of some of them which seem to be the best for being planted in spring.
This is one of the most breathtaking large plants with stunning flowers which spread a dazzling aroma in spring. Without a doubt, magnolia is considered one of the few plants that can brighten up your yard with its elegant flowers in white, pink, purple, red or yellow colour. Just keep in mind that there are different types of magnolias trees Australia nurseries have available, so make sure to have a look at all options and pick the ones that appeal you the most in terms of looks, growth and care. They can grow somewhere between 2,5 and 21 metres tall.
Planting a large plant with fruits is one of the best decisions you can make when choosing to enhance your home’s outdoor space. If interested in collecting the fruits of your labour that come with having a fruit tree, then you should certainly plant a fruit one. Depending on your taste, you can decide to plant pear, apple, peach, plum, etc. For those of you who want to plant citrus fruits, it is recommended to wait a little longer, at the end of the season because citrus plants enjoy warmer weather.
Red Maple
If you love to have a low-maintenance tree that will provide you with a pop of colour year-round, then you should certainly invest in the red maple one. In spring, its leaves turn green, in autumn they can be something between deep red or yellow and in winter they are red. A true work of art! This large plant can thrive great in different soils, so you can have peace of mind that will thrive perfectly in yours as well.
Tulip trees are simply stunning! They are breathtaking and are a part of the magnolia family. Their flowers have a similar shape to the one of tulips, hence the name. Regarding their colour, unlike magnolias, the tulip tall plants are known for their orange-yellow green flowers which appear in late spring. The most characteristic thing about them is that they can grow from 20 – 30 metres tall and it will take up to 7 years to reach their full potential. Keep in mind that tulip plants need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight, so if your yard is mostly in shade, then it would be better not to plant them.
Just like the aforementioned large plants, the jacaranda also loves to receive lots of sun but another thing it loves is to be protected from wind. It can grow up to 10 metres and needs to have a lot of space for its roots to grow. In order to achieve its full potential, it should also be planted in rich and well-drained soil.
The jacaranda blooms in late spring to early summer and is known for its dazzling flowers in purple. The last thing you shouldn’t forget when planting this large plant is maintenance. This is crucial, so in order to do it properly, don’t forget to invest in the right gardening tools to help you reshape and keep it in a good state.
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