LovingLocal – Being informed is always in style.
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Being informed is always in style

A comprehensive lighting scheme in your commercial space or office is sometimes an overlooked element, but replacing the standard lights can have many positive effects on your profit margins. Here are a few commercial lighting design basics to consider whether you are starting a new...

I'm sure I'm not the only one who proudly admits to being a plant killer, but trust me it's not that easy to do so. Since as modern people we're all more or less workaholics, there isn't enough time for anything else other than work...

Moving in a new home is a new beginning on its own. When I walked into the wide, empty space that was about to become my new home, I felt the kind of freedom I have never felt before – the freedom of decorating the...

It happens to all of us: you're exhausted and you can't wait to go to bed, however, even though all the lights are out and you're ready to enter dreamland, you just can't seem to fall asleep. According to psychologists and sleep experts, this happens because...

Though not often considered as such, the smile is the accessory we should wear at all times. As first, it can help make good lasting impressions, ease off the process of making new friends, and as a result improve our self-esteem and mood. Powerful as it might be, though, not all of us are blessed with a dazzling smile, and the exposure to media and the beautiful celebrities certainly doesn't make things easier.

If you're someone living in rural Australia or simply have access to a lot of bore water, which you can make use of for agricultural and industrial purposes, then you probably understand the importance of having a proper water pump to help you transport the...

You've probably heard the term “popper” come up in sexual connotation in various occasions, and most of the time, it was followed by awkward giggling. You realized that everyone seemed to know very well what it referred to, except for you. So naturally, you were too ashamed to ask about its meaning, so you just smiled and let it slide. And here you are, moments later, googling and trying to find what your friends were so enthusiastically talking about. Feels like discovering a whole new world, right? I know. Let's get to the basics of it.

One of the most thrilling experiences I've had in my life so far was going on a spearfishing trip with a mate of mine. Granted, he did a lot better than me as I had no previous experience, but I still had a blast trying to catch fish the “old fashioned” way. Spearfishing is an ancient, yet effective way to catch fish - it causes no habitat damage and it's considered one of the most environmentally-friendly ways of angling. But before we headed on this small adventure of ours, I had to get properly equipped. So we visited a spearfishing gear Australia online store and got to business. In short, here's what you need to start spearfishing.