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Being informed is always in style

Why Are Mary Jane Shoes Called That?

When talking about iconic and all-time-favourite shoes, it's impossible not to mention the womens Mary Jane pumps. The name of these shoes comes from the comic strip Buster Brown from 1902. In this comic, a little girl named Mary Jane wore flat shoes with a leather strap across the front and ever since this type of shoes have been called Mary Jane.

Riding a bicycle every day or just during the weekends is a great way to stay healthy. Cycling makes the whole body move which helps improve blood flow, lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health too. Since your bike takes care of you, it's important that you take care of it too. Regular maintenance is a good first step but what can keep your bike safe from the elements and prying is a bike shed. Bicycle sheds provide the space necessary for you to store your bike but they can be much more than just that if you know what to look for in one.

What to Consider


The size of the shed will depend on that of the bike but usually there are two types sheds when it comes to width. Bike sheds for road bikes are going to be anywhere between 38 cm and 46 cm wide, whilst sheds for mountain/ hybrid bikes are between 51 cm and 61 cm wide. You'll need to measure the height and length of your bicycle too and take into consideration the accessories that come with it. Usually if you have only one bike, you'll need a shed that's about 1.8 m long and about 60 cm wide. 2 bikes will require a shed of the same length and width of 90 cm. Just add about 30 cm of width for every bike.

Most of us have a busy and stressful lifestyle which is often one of the main reasons why we're tempted to go away for a relaxing spa weekend. But the truth of the matter is, we barely even have time for that. Here's a thought - what if you could recreate that spa experience in your home? Yes, it is very much possible. All you'd need to do is buy a hot tub. Hot tubs are the best way to unwind after a long day, boost your mood and overall health. But where do you begin?

If there's a stage in parenthood that goes by the fastest, it's the baby stage. Although taking care for a baby can be hectic and confusing, it's also one of the most magical times in life – and oh, so short. That's why parents like to capture those precious moments with cute photos that they can proudly showcase on their walls and mantels.

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural essential oils to promote well-being and health. It is also known as essential oil therapy. It involves the use of natural plant extracts to improve the health of the body, spirit and mind. Aromatherapy is considered both science and art, but today it has gained more recognition in the fields of medicine and science.

Sometimes, small things can make a big impact. This is especially true in home interior. Oftentimes, it's the small decorative elements that tie the space together and make it look complete. If you still have a feeling that something is missing but don't have a...

When you take your Toyota Surf for a routine service, such as a tune-up or oil change, the mechanic will probably also take a look at the air filter. The air filter, although a small and seemingly unimportant part, is crucial for ensuring your engine has all the clean and cool air it needs to operate optimally. There are many reasons why the air filter might need to be replaced, but one thing is for sure - it does need to be replaced regularly, on average every 50.000kms or so. This is just a rough estimate, and the type of driving you typically do is what really matters. But before I talk about how often you should do it and what the signs of a faulty Toyota Surf air filter are, let's see what air filters do, and what type of aftermarket air filters you can find when looking for a replacement.

Romance and candlelight go hand in hand. That's why candles have always been a common feature of some of the most special moments of our lives - from the first date with our soulmate to the proposal and, of course, the wedding. When planning their wedding ceremony and reception, many couples envision warm, flickering flames that make for a more intimate mood. If you too are considering adding candles as part of your wedding decor, I completely encourage you to do so. You can never have too many candles at a wedding, trust me!